Optimize performance & reduce risk of injury

Hey Babe is a place where girls, women, and individuals of all ages can come for specialized and personalized care designed specifically for them. We are here to work with you one-on-one considering your specific needs and goals to curate the right combination of pain free strengthening and mobility, activity modification, and movement training to improve and allow for more efficient, safe, and pain free movement.

What is it for?

People who experience:

  • Any muscle, ligament, and tendon strains, sprains, and tears
  • Tendinopathies
  • Bursitis
  • Stress fractures
  • Nerve injury
  • Pain in the head, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, ribs, hips, knee, ankle/foot, or toes


If you have sustained an injury requiring surgery, you can start preparing for that surgery 2-6 weeks in advance to get ahead of your healing. Allow us to optimize your surgical outcomes by providing the right therapies you need.


If you have had or are having a surgery, we will help you optimize your healing and return to life as safely and efficiently as possible.

  • Hip or knee replacement
  • Knee surgeries such as ACL repair or meniscectomy
  • Back and neck surgeries such as laminectomy or microdiscectomy
  • Foot and ankle surgeries
  • Shoulder surgeries such as rotator cuff repair

Injury Prevention

If you are an athlete, the repetitive stresses placed through your body through your sport leave you with some very strong muscles and movements, and some weaknesses. These muscle and mobility imbalances can leave you susceptible to injury in the future. We are here to perform in-depth assessment and analysis to provide you with the tools, strategies, and movements you need to keep playing your sport at peak form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sports & Orthopedic Physical Therapy

How do I know if prehab is for me?
How long will it take to return to my sport?
What does programming look like for injury prevention and
how long can I expect it to take?

More physical therapy services

Not sure where to start? See if any of these fit what you need or reach out for more info

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